Sunday, March 25, 2007

#298. I used sustainably produced litter to change the cat box.
#299. I opened the shades and drapes in the morning to let in the sun.
#300. I fed the worms in the indoor worm composting box.
#301. I put the vegetable scraps they don't like in the compost.
#302. I separated recycleables to take to the recycling center.
#303. I attended a meeting for the National Day of Action for Climate Change.
#304. I brought handouts to the meeting.
#305. I offered suggestions and ideas for the event.
#306. I volunteered to contact some elected officials to ask them to come.
#307. I waited till the dishwasher was full to wash dishes.
#308. I ran the dishwasher late at night to use non-peak power.
#309. I closed shades and drapes at dark to conserve heat.
#310. I turned off lights, TV and computer when not being used.

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