Monday, March 5, 2007

#142. I opened shades and drapes in morning to let in sun.
#143. I recycled glass, paper, plastic and metal.
#144. I put vegetable scraps in the compost.
#145. I waited until I had a full load before I washed clothes.
#146. I used dryer balls in the dryer to reduce dryer time.
#147. I sent an e-mail to my legislators urging them to vote to protect the salmon of the northwest.
#148. I brought canvas bags to store to reuse.
#149. I waited till I had a full load before running the dishwasher.
#150. I ran the dishwasher late at night to use non-peak electricity.
#151. I closed shades and drapes at dark to conserve heat.
#152. I turned off lights, TV and computer when not being used.

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