Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How many martial artists does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer is coming soon, let's see what YOU can come up with!

This blog is about environmental self-defense and what each individual can do about it. Just as I believe everyone should know some self-defense like we teach at our martial arts studio, so should everyone know how to defend the earth. Why? Because martial arts isn't just about self-defense against physical violence from another human being. It is also about eating right, healthy habits, and avoiding violence if possible by developing character, integrity and self-control. The motto of our school is Honor, Integrity, Respect. Today we will talk about respect for the earth, because all the self-defense moves in the world won't help us unless we realize the full potential of martial arts to change ourselves AND our world...

Right now our earth is in a crisis caused by human carelessness and greed. Greenhouse gases are changing the earth's climate and weird weather is in the news everyday. For example, look at New York State, where because of unusually warm weather, the lakes didn't freeze. This caused freakish snowfall, up to 12 feet in some places. Meanwhile, the ice cap at the north pole is melting quickly and polar bears are drowning trying to swim between ice floes. How can we change the course of this impending disaster?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Confucius
You don't have to walk 1000 miles to end global warming, though if you walked instead of taking a car it would help. All everybody needs to do is examine the way they live and take steps to waste less of the earth's resources. Beginning today, I am asking my students to do just that, and enter whatever acts of kindness to the earth they have performed. It can be as simple as changing a light bulb or reusing a grocery bag. Every little bit counts.

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