Monday, February 19, 2007

#38. Finished all the dishes at once to save on heating water up again.
#39. Rinsed out shampoo bottle to use up last of shampoo before recycling the bottle.
#40. Turned off lights, TV and computer when finished.
#41. Reused the plain sides of paper for lists.
#42. Recycled food scraps in compost.
#43. Put leftovers away in reusable containers.
#44. Ran dishwasher late at night to use electricity at non-peak time.
#45. Recycled glass, plastic, steel and paper that couldn't be reused.
#46. Used cloth rags to clean floor and dust furniture.
#47. Used cloth napkins, bought at yard sales, for meals.
#48. Bought recycled content plastic bags to use for incinerable garbage, to avoid printed plastic bags that release heavy metals into air when burned.
#49. Closed drapes and shades at night to save heat.

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