Wednesday, March 7, 2007

#163.I opened the shades and drapes in the morning to let in sun.
#164. I recycled glass, paper, plastic and metal.
#165. I put vegetable scraps in the compost.
#166. I brought a travel mug to the coffee shop for my coffee.
#167. I combined trips to save gas.
#168. I brought canvas bags to the store to reuse.
#169. I brought plastic bags back to the store for recycling.
#170. I talked to my students about the need to save the earth's resources.
#171. I reused grocery bags for a drill in class.
#172. I turned down the heat at the studio.
#173. I closed shades and drapes at dark to conserve heat.
#174. I turned off lights, TV and computer when not being used.

Posted by GreenWarrior at 7:13 PM

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